The Error Models section outlines the structure of error responses and key entities like Job
, Node
, Policy
, and Zone
in the Superna Eyeglass API, providing essential details for diagnosing and handling errors.
Field | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Error code |
message | String | Error message description |
Field | Type | Description |
failoverTarget | Job_failoverTarget | Target details for the failover job |
finished | Long | The end time of the job |
id | String | Unique identifier for the job |
jobType | String | The type of the job (zone_failover or policy_failover ) |
name | String | Human-readable name for this job |
sourceNode | Node | The source node for this job |
started | Long | The start time of the job |
success | Boolean | True if there were no errors |
targetNode | Node | The target node for this job |
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier for the node |
ip | String | Primary IP address of the node |
name | String | Unique name of the node |
Field | Type | Description |
failoverReadiness | String | Enumeration describing the failover readiness of the policy (ok , warning , error ) |
id | String | Unique identifier for the policy |
name | String | SyncIQ Policy Name |
target | Node | Node that is the target for this SyncIQ policy |
zone | Zone | Access zone for this policy |
Field | Type | Description |
failoverReadiness | String | Enumeration describing the failover readiness of the zone (ok , warning , error ) |
id | String | Unique identifier for the zone |
name | String | Access Zone Name |
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
Field | Type | Description |
zone | Zone | The access zone being failed over |
policies | array[Policy] | The policies being failed over |