API Quick Start
The API is designed to enable customers to build business logic to automate failover or provide data access to business units or end customers in a managed service.
The objective of this solution is to provide an interface for securely initiating failover or failback and providing status updates remotely without needing the Eyeglass GUI. This example demonstrates building a proxy solution and shows how cURL can be used. For simplicity, cURL is used to access the API proxy, whereas a more complete implementation would embed the API in a webpage for an improved user experience.
The solution documented here is an example only, meant as a reference to help you get started building solutions with the API. The material is provided "as is" and is not covered under a support contract. It has no warranty, updates, and is free to use, modify, or change under the MIT license.
- Security Considerations: Security is a key requirement in all use cases and must be factored into a well-architected design. This guide will provide a high-level architecture for deploying this solution.
- Separation of Customers: Logical and physical separation of customers is required but is out of scope for this guide.
- Separation of Management Infrastructure: Management infrastructure must be separated from end users or companies. This separation involves networking considerations and secure authentication for any services enabling data failover. This aspect is out of scope for this guide.