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Version: 2.9.0

What's New?

What's New in Superna Eyeglass 2.9.0 for DR

PowerScale OneFS Support

  • PowerScale OneFS 9.7.X support: Added support for PowerScale OneFS 9.7.X in Eyeglass.

Alarm Codes

  • New Alarm Codes: Alarm codes specific to AirGap applications have been introduced. (SupernaOne)


VAST Replication

  • VAST replication supports multiple tenants. Multiple views can coexist on the same cluster as long as they are on different clients.


    Tenants that do not exist on the target cluster will be replicated from the source cluster.

  • Replication of different views with the same path on VAST clusters is now possible.

Policy Readiness

  • Policy readiness checks are provided to prepare the failover process for Qumulo clusters.


  • Default Quota Failover Process:
    The default quota failover process uses the same approach as in all previous releases.

  • New Quota Failover Process (PowerScale OneFS 9.4.0+):
    For clusters running PowerScale OneFS 9.4.0 and above, the quota failover process is based on the configuration of the export/import API.
    (Reference: DIS-251)

  • Activating the New Quota Failover Approach:
    To enable the new quota failover approach, the flag quota_failover_latest in the system.xml file must be set to true. This change is applied using the related igls command. However, note that this flag will have no impact unless the PowerScale OneFS version is 9.4+.

  • Policy and Access Zone Failovers:
    In configurations where clusters run PowerScale OneFS 9.4.0 or above, and where there are multiple policies involved in policy and access zone failovers, the quota failovers are combined into a single operation using the export/import API. This optimization significantly reduces the overall failover time.

  • Best Practices for PowerScale OneFS Clusters:
    Before running a resync preparation, quotas from the PowerScale OneFS source cluster are deleted, in accordance with PowerScale OneFS's best practices.

Fixed in 2.9.0

  • DIS-194: The alarm entries generated by the Watch button in the Connect to Cloud view are now displayed in the text view area.

  • DIS-195: DR Failover metrics for DFS and IP Pool failover are now present in Seed Metrics (SupernaOne).

  • DIS-72: For the VAST Jobs, the term “Zone” was replaced with “Tenant.”

  • DIS-78: The update of a view with a new path is now correctly managed, preventing the error message warning that an NFS alias already exists.

  • DIS-207: For SPN operations on the latest version of PowerScale OneFS, the isi_classic command was replaced with the isi command.

  • DIS-105: The system.xml file was cleaned of unwanted entries.

  • DIS-410: The taskmaster and vaultagent services no longer restart the Vault Agent VM.

Known Limitations

DID-101 Error Replicating Views within a View

During the configuration replication, when Eyeglass attempts to create a View inside a View for the Protected Path job, the following error message is displayed:

create_directory returned an error: CreateDirResultCode.READ_ONLY
The issue is observed in VAST when manually trying to create a View inside a View, so nothing can be done from Eyeglass to solve it.


The issue is limited to AWS simulators.

Workaround: None, the issue can be resolved after running configuration replication in a time interval.