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Version: 2.9.2

Release Notes

2.9.2 - Known Issues​


  • OEM-653: The Security Guard window may display a "Failed to save new values" error message when saving changes. This is a display issue only and does not impact the functionality. The error message can be safely ignored, as the values will save successfully, and Security Guard can still be run.

  • OEM-645: [AirGap] Vault clusters cannot be added to Vault Agent.


    Workaround: Before running the cluster up, use the command ovf set-value --force mode=vault-agent.

  • OEM-634: The emails for some alarm reports may include a hyperlink directing to Superna documentation.


    Workaround: The link can be changed using the following command: igls config settings set --tag="alarmcodeUrl" --value=<NEW_LINK>.