Privileges & Ports Requirements
Service Account Minimum Privileges​
Setting up the service account with the minimum required privileges is crucial for the secure and efficient operation of Superna Eyeglass.
Minimum Privileges Required​
- Dell PowerScale
Dell PowerScale (Minimum Privileges)​
- Read/Write Access: Required for all necessary directories and files used by Eyeglass.
- Quota Management: Allows the service account to manage and monitor quotas.
- Snapshot Management: Permits the creation and management of snapshots.
- Export Management: Grants permissions to manage NFS and SMB exports.
Service Account Configuration​
- Dell PowerScale
Dell PowerScale (Configuration)​
- Create Service Account: Create a service account with the required privileges.
- Assign Permissions: Assign the necessary permissions using the Dell PowerScale management tools.
- Validate Access: Verify that the service account has the correct access by performing test operations.
Ports, Scalability, and Phone Home Requirements​
Understanding the port requirements, scalability limits, and phone home capabilities is essential for maintaining the security and performance of Superna Eyeglass setup.
Port Requirements​
- Dell PowerScale
Dell PowerScale (Ports)​
- Port 443: HTTPS communication for secure data transfer.
- Port 8080: HTTP communication for local management tasks.
- Port 8443: Secure port for API communications.
Scalability Limits​
- Dell PowerScale
Dell PowerScale (Scalability)​
- Nodes Supported: Up to 100 nodes per cluster.
- Snapshots: Supports up to 10,000 snapshots.
- Exports: Can manage up to 5,000 NFS and SMB exports.
Phone Home Requirements​
- Dell PowerScale
Dell PowerScale (Phone Home)​
- Outbound Ports: Requires ports 443 and 80 to be open for outbound communication.
- Data Transmission: Securely transmits diagnostic data to Superna support.
Additional Resources​
For more detailed guides and further information, please refer to the following resources: