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Version: 4.0.0

Powerscale OneFS Upgrade

Before You Begin​

Determine Which Process to Follow Before the Upgrade​

Check the Feature Release Compatibility table in the appropriate Eyeglass Release notes to ensure that the cluster release compatibility listing is supported for the upgrade of both the source and destination clusters.

There are procedures to complete before and after a Powerscale OneFS upgrade. The different scenarios include upgrading Powerscale OneFS to a major new release or a minor release. Follow the guide based on your scenario.

  1. If your upgrade process will always keep the source and destination clusters in a supported configuration and the upgrade does not change the first two digits of the version (for example, upgrading from to 7.2.x or from 8.0.x to 8.0.x or 9.x), follow the instructions for Upgrade Minor Release Versions.
  2. If your upgrade process involves upgrading from Powerscale OneFS 7.2.x to Powerscale OneFS 8.0.x or 9.x, follow the instructions for Upgrade Major Release Versions.
  3. If your upgrade process will result in the source and destination clusters being in an unsupported configuration at any point following an upgrade, follow the instructions for Functions Impacted During Upgrade.

Minor vs Major Release Upgrades​

To upgrade both clusters to a new major Powerscale OneFS release, perform the upgrade on one site at a time. Begin by upgrading the target cluster first, then proceed to upgrade the source cluster.

Configure Eyeglass Access Zone and DFS Mode Failover Settings​

If you use Eyeglass with Access Zones or DFS Mode Failover, ensure it is properly configured with the appropriate settings before starting the upgrade. This step is only necessary for customers who utilize these features.

Upgrading Major Release​

Procedure for Performing a Site Cluster Rolling Upgrade to Major Major Powerscale OneFS Release

  1. Upgrade Target Cluster
    1. Verify Configuration Status
      Before starting the upgrade, confirm that Eyeglass has been properly configured and that job statuses are error-free.

    2. Prepare Target Cluster for Upgrade
      Refer to EMC PowerScale documentation for detailed instructions, including:

      • Supported upgrade paths from the current Powerscale OneFS release to the target release. If necessary, perform an intermediate upgrade before moving to the target release.
      • Download and store the PowerScale installer on the cluster (e.g., /ifs/data folder).
    3. Perform Pre-Upgrade Checks

      • Ensure all prerequisites are met for upgrading the target cluster.
    4. Disable Eyeglass Jobs Temporarily
      Pause all Eyeglass jobs to ensure they do not interfere with the upgrade.

    5. Perform Powerscale OneFS Upgrade on Target Cluster

      • Eyeglass will indicate that the target cluster is unreachable during the upgrade.
      • Confirm that you want to proceed with the simultaneous reboot of all cluster nodes.
    6. Post-Upgrade Tasks for Target Cluster
      Once the upgrade completes successfully, perform these tasks to allow Eyeglass to manage the target cluster:

      • Update the Eyeglass Admin role privileges for the target cluster. See the document linked below for details:
      • PowerScale Cluster User Minimum Privileges
      • Update sudo privileges for the Eyeglass service account on the target cluster.
      • Restart the Eyeglass SCA service:
      # SSH as admin user
      ssh admin@<target_cluster_ip>

      # Switch to root user
      sudo -s

      # Enter admin password

      # Stop the SCA service
      systemctl stop sca.service

      # Start the SCA service
      systemctl start sca.service

      # Verify SCA service status
      systemctl status sca.service
      • Re-enable Eyeglass jobs.
    7. Run Jobs Manually

      • Use the "Run Now" bulk action from the Jobs window, or wait for the next replication job.
      • Verify that Eyeglass status is error-free once the jobs complete.
      • Ensure all Eyeglass jobs are in green OK status with no errors.
    8. Verify Job Status and DR Dashboard Readiness


      At this point, Eyeglass will be in mixed mode, using the lower cluster version API and giving priority to sync configuration information from the source to the target cluster.

    9. Verify Product Functionality
      Follow the steps on "Functions Impacted During Upgrade" to verify that all product functionality is working as expected.

  2. Upgrade Source Cluster
    1. Verify Eyeglass Jobs Status
      • Verify that before upgrading, the Eyeglass Jobs statuses are OK and show no errors.
    2. Target Cluster for Upgrade
      • Target the cluster for upgrade. Refer to EMC PowerScale documentation for detailed instructions.
    3. Perform Eyeglass Failover to Target Cluster
      • Perform Eyeglass Failover to Target Cluster


      For mor information refer to the failover mode documentation and follow the Failover Guide.

    4. Confirm Failover Completion
      • Confirm that the failover completed successfully without any errors in the failover log.
    5. Disable Eyeglass Jobs for Mirror Policies
      • Ensure all Eyeglass Jobs for Mirror Policies are set to User Disabled. If they are not (e.g., following a failover or failback), manually disable them during the cluster upgrade.
    6. Perform Powerscale OneFS Upgrade on Source Cluster
      • Perform the Powerscale OneFS upgrade on the Source Cluster. Expect that Eyeglass will report the cluster as unreachable.
    7. Post-Upgrade Tasks for Source Cluster
      • After completing the Source Cluster upgrade, perform the following tasks to allow Eyeglass to manage the Source Cluster:
        • Update the Eyeglass Admin role privileges on the Source Cluster by adding the permissions listed in the following documents:
          • PowerScale Cluster User Minimum Privileges for Eyeglass
          • Update sudo privileges for the Eyeglass service account on the Source Cluster.
          • Review and add additional sudo permissions as needed:
            1. Restart Eyeglass sca Service:
              • SSH as an admin user.
              • Run sudo -s.
              • Enter the admin password.
            2. Stop the Service:
              • Run systemctl stop sca.service.
            3. Start the Service:
              • Run systemctl start sca.service.
            4. Verify Service Status:
              • Run systemctl status sca.service.
            5. Re-enable Eyeglass Jobs:
              • Use the Jobs icon to re-enable Eyeglass Jobs.
            6. Start or Wait for Replication Jobs:
              • Start or wait for the next Replication Jobs. Once they are complete, verify the Eyeglass status shows OK without any errors.
            7. Verify Product Functionality:
              • Verify product functionality by checking "Functions Impacted During Upgrade".
  3. Done

Upgrading Minor Release​

Procedure for Performing a Site Cluster Rolling Upgrade to Minor Major Powerscale OneFS Release

  1. Log In to Eyeglass
    Log in to the Eyeglass web page before the upgrade and confirm that configuration replication is in a good state.
  2. Begin the Upgrade Process
    Begin the upgrade process. Eyeglass must remain in a running state throughout the upgrade.
  3. Check Cluster Reachability
    If the source or destination cluster becomes unreachable at any point during the upgrade, you may see failed Eyeglass configuration replication jobs and related alarms. When both source and target clusters are reachable again, subsequent replication should clear these alarms.
  4. Monitor Eyeglass Alarms During Isilon/PowerScale Upgrade
    The following summarizes the Eyeglass alarms you may encounter when source and/or target clusters are unreachable during a PowerScale upgrade:
    • One or both clusters may not be reachable when Eyeglass replication starts:
      • Replication jobs fail.
      • The DR dashboard displays an error status, and readiness alarms are triggered.
      • Multiple alarms are raised for each scheduled replication job. This is expected.
  5. Post Upgrade of Powerscale OneFS
    • Verify product functionality by following the steps outlined here.
    • Leave Eyeglass running for 30 minutes after the upgrade completes. Then, check the Eyeglass jobs to confirm that the system has returned to the pre-upgrade state. Alarms, if any, can be reviewed in the Alarm History.
  6. Done

Upgrades to 8.2 or later releases​


As of Powerscale OneFS 8.2 or later, the cluster does not support API calls to the SSIP (Subnet Service IP). Ensure you are using an IP address from a pool that has the System Access Zone assigned to it (for example, an IP from the Management Pool). The pool should be configured as a dynamic pool so that the IP address will fail over to other nodes in the cluster.

Change the Eyeglass IP Before Upgrading:

You should change the Eyeglass IP before upgrading to 8.2 or later releases. Follow these steps:

  1. Log In to the Eyeglass WebUI
  2. Go to the Inventory View
  3. Right-Click on Each Cluster
    • This will open a context menu.
  4. Select Edit from the Context Menu
  5. Replace the SmartConnect Service IP
    • In the Edit Managed Device window, select all text in the SmartConnect Service IP field.
    • Remove it entirely and enter the appropriate IP address for the cluster.
    • Do not attempt to edit the existing IP address; replace it completely.
  6. Enter the Eyeglass Service Account Password
    • Use the password that was used to add the cluster.
  7. Click Submit Screenshot showing Edit Managed Device window

What You Need to Know About Mixed Mode Powerscale OneFS Releases on Source and Target Clusters​

In a mixed mode environment, any combination of cluster versions with 8.x, 8.2, or 9.x added to the same Eyeglass, you should be aware of the following:

  • Configuration is supported between clusters running lower to higher versions of Powerscale OneFS releases. To ensure you are running a supported release, consult the release notes for exact versions supported.
  • Failover is supported.
  • Failback is supported.
  • Runbook Robot is supported.
  • RPO reporting is supported.

It is expected that this mixed mode will be a temporary scenario before upgrading the source cluster, typically lasting weeks to months at most. It is not intended to be a normal operating mode between replicating clusters. If the only pair of clusters managed by Eyeglass are in mixed mode, mixed mode API remains active for all clusters. Mixed mode API is disabled only once all clusters managed by Eyeglass are upgraded to the same major release.

Post Powerscale OneFS Upgrade Steps​

Eyeglass DR Edition​

  1. Restart the SCA Service:
    • SSH to the appliance as the admin user.
    • Switch to the root user:
      • Run sudo -s.
      • Enter the admin password when prompted.
    • Restart the SCA service:
      • Run systemctl restart sca.
    • Wait 30 minutes for the service to stabilize.
    • Log in to the GUI and verify there are no errors in the Jobs or DR Dashboard.

Data Security, Easy Auditor, and Performance Auditor​

  1. Restart the ECA Cluster:
    • Log in to node 1 of the ECA cluster.
    • Bring the cluster down:
      • Run ecactl cluster down.
    • Wait until all shutdown steps are complete.
    • Bring the cluster back up:
      • Run ecactl cluster up.
    • Wait for all startup steps to complete.
  2. Verify Managed Services:
    • Log in to Eyeglass.
    • Open the Managed Services icon.
    • Verify that all nodes show green status (you may need to wait 5 minutes).
  3. Run and Verify Security Checks:
    • Data Security:
      • Run Security Guard.
      • Verify that it completes successfully.
    • Easy Auditor:
      • Run Robot Audit.
      • Verify that it completes successfully.
    • Performance Auditor:
      • Open the tool icon.
      • Verify that performance data is displayed.
  4. Done